I would argue that most people who struggle with balance do so for two reasons:
- They haven't taken the time to sit down and determine their priorities and compare their behavior with their values.
- In the absence of a plan they react to the fear of losing their job.
We can never create the life we dream about unless we build it around a plan we can get excited about. I urge you to take the time to decide the things that really matter to you and regularly commit yourself to building your life around those values.
Striking a balance between work and family is hard, very hard. I've had to struggle with it myself. I still do. My job requires me to work the night shift and am usually tired when I get home. Oftentimes, I find myself unable to spend as much time with my kids as I would like because of that. However, I think that it is quality of time spent with them that matters more than the quantity of time spent. They understand that my job requires it so they just urge me to work fast and hurry home to them. They also tell me to tell my boss to work faster so I won't be late coming home. :D